
Buyers (BHP / BMA)

BHP and BMA employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their BHP email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

BHP / BMA Employee Registration

Buyers (Tier A Contractors)

Tier A Contractor employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their Tier A Contractor email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

Tier A Contractor Employee Registration


News & Media Announcements

QLD: Enabling Future Work Skills Project – Resources Centre of Excellence (RCoE) Mackay

April 13th, 2021

There are many benefits for regional business communities located within BHP's Local Buying Program footprint. One of the greatest benefits is having access to projects and initiatives funded through BHP's Local Buying Foundation, which aims to … Discover more >

SA: Quarter In Review | October to December 2020

February 1st, 2021

From Jessica Cardno (C-Res Business Development Advisor, SA) The October to December quarter saw ups and downs for South Australia as a whole. October saw more freedoms than many other parts of the country, and site-based and face-to-face … Discover more >

WA: Quarter In Review | October to December 2020

February 1st, 2021

WAIO: From Mj van Vuuren and Tina Ewen (C-Res Business Development Advisors, WAIO) The regional borders opened, the Local Buying Program expanded, and the C-Res Business Development Team was back on the road heading across the Pilbara and … Discover more >

NATIONAL: From the CEO | January 2021

February 1st, 2021

It’s been a big year and amid the uncertainty, one thing has always remained sure: The Local Buying Program’s ability to connect our small local businesses with Australia’s biggest business, BHP. From COVID-19 contingencies and recovery to … Discover more >

QLD: Quarter In Review | October to December 2020

February 1st, 2021

From Dianna Smith (C-Res Business Development Advisor, Queensland) It has been a year unlike many others but as is the Queensland way, we rose to the challenge and were there for each other through thick and thin! C-Res Queensland Business … Discover more >

NSW: Quarter In Review | October to December 2020

February 1st, 2021

From John Aurisch (C-Res Business Development Manager, NSW) 2020 has been a different type of year for the LBP in the Upper Hunter – that’s to say the least.  It started with an excellent networking event held in Muswellbrook seeing more … Discover more >

New faces and new direction for C-Res and the Local Buying Program

November 2nd, 2020

With a new Financial Year, came a strong new direction and a few changing of the guard moments for C-Res in its delivery of the Local Buying Program and Local Buying Foundation. 2020, as we all know, has proven to be a year of adaptability and … Discover more >

NATIONAL: COVID-19 Leads To New Approach In Training

October 30th, 2020

Knowing your way around the Local Buying Program and being familiar with what it allows you to do will make doing your job easier! Be you a buyer or supplier, being aware of the processes and capacity of the LBP platform will enable you to tap … Discover more >

NATIONAL: R U OK? More Than Just One Day

October 30th, 2020

If there is one question that can save a life it’s this one: R U OK? On September 12 the C-Res team – along with BHP teams, LBP buyers, suppliers and community stakeholders across our Local Buying Program footprint – took a moment of pause … Discover more >

NATIONAL: From the CEO | September 2020

October 30th, 2020

This financial year we launched a campaign to help us really identify not only what we do (we know that!) but why! That why question is always a big one, and it is what we have come to see as the defining element of everything we do. So why do we … Discover more >