Over the years a number of test boreholes were created for Blackwater mine site. Recently the Geoscience Team recommended a large number of the boreholes needed to be decommissioned. It was identified by BMA and BHP Indigenous Procurement Team that C-Res could assist with the supply opportunity by engaging with small local businesses and connecting them with site. Scope of the work included site investigation, borehole status, earthworks, grouting, rehabilitation of the road and tracks, and monitoring. The length of the project is estimated to encompass 12-18 months.
A Request for Quote Work Instruction was released via the LBP portal, which informed all suppliers in the relevant supply category of the new work opportunity – saving the buyer time as quotes were collated simultaneously by the due date. Ochre Australia Pty Ltd successfully quoted on the work and were awarded the project. A number of experienced and reputable Traditional Owner businesses registered as LBP Suppliers had responded to the work opportunity.
“We look forward to a strong collaborative partnership with Ochre Australia and the GNP for many years to come” said Jessica Sargood, Indigenous Procurement Principal BHP Brisbane.