Magpies can be a problem when nesting in spring, swooping on passers-by and posing a very real threat to safety.
A family of Magpies located at the BHP apprentice training centre (the Future Fit Academy at Paget, Mackay) were being protective of their young and territory recently, often swooping visitors and causing some safety concerns.
To avoid possible injury to birds and personnel, it was decided to relocate the family to a safer location and eliminate any possible risk.
A large and diverse range of local suppliers are registered with BHP’s Local Buying Program. Engagement of wildlife removal specialists, Australian Wildlife Rescue Service CQ, who are registered LBP Suppliers, ensured the birds were safely relocated to a new home.
Small local businesses which engage with BHP via the Program benefit from exposure to new work opportunities, often resulting in new business connections being created and the facilitation of fast payment for services rendered.