
Buyers (BHP / BMA)

BHP and BMA employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their BHP email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

BHP / BMA Employee Registration

Buyers (Tier A Contractors)

Tier A Contractor employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their Tier A Contractor email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

Tier A Contractor Employee Registration

News/Media Announcements: September 2021

NATIONAL: A message from the LBF Chairman | FY21 Year in Review

Just like that another year has passed, and despite the challenges that were presented we have remained busy and I’m astonished by what was achieved. Whilst the regional communities within our footprint still experienced the ongoing effects of … Discover more >

NATIONAL: A message from the C-Res CEO | FY21 Year in Review

2021 has certainly been a year of adaptability and opportunity. Drawing from the challenges of 2020, BHP and C-Res have continued to work together to achieve some fantastic outcomes for small local businesses and the communities in which we live and … Discover more >

NATIONAL: Financial Summaries released for BHP’s Local Buying Program & Local Buying Foundation (July 2020 to March 2021)

BHP's Local Buying Program and Local Buying Foundations have been continuing to build the sustainability of business communities for the future. Recently released have been the quarterly summaries for each State and a National overview for … Discover more >

It’s one thing to say ‘We’re with You!’ but the Local Buying Program is walking the talk

We're with You!It's the new mindset, motto and modus operandi adopted by C-Res in delivering the Local Buying Program as well as the Local Buying Foundation.As the curtain fell on the financial year that was FY20, our world and ways of doing … Discover more >

Perception Survey a chance to share feedback

C-Res has commissioned consultancy firm SC Lennon & Associates to coordinate our Annual Perception Survey to seek feedback from our buyers, suppliers and community stakeholders around the Local Buying Program (LBP) and Local Buying Foundation … Discover more >

$500 Million in Approved Spend for LBP. We did it! TOGETHER.

Five hundred million dollars. Half. A. Billion. Whichever way you say it, it is a huge number! And, definitely one worth celebrating. Today - Monday May 18, 2020 - is a special day for the Local Buying Program. We have officially reported … Discover more >

NSW: Community Kitchen will help nourish community training opportunities

The Singleton Community Training Kitchen is a joint venture with Singleton Business Chamber, Singleton Shire Council and Singleton High School and it opened in November! Made possible thanks to funding from the Local Buying Foundation, the Training … Discover more >

QLD: BHP and C-Res combine to celebrate LBP buyers, suppliers and stakeholders

2019 was the epitome of the phrase ‘time flies when you’re ticking off milestones’. Although, certainly, it was a lot of fun as well! With lots to celebrate, BHP and C-Res partnered to host End of Year Stakeholder Events for community … Discover more >

SA: Supplier registrations on the increase as Buyer interest in LBP rises

An influx of interest in the Local Buying Program (LBP) at BHP Olympic Dam has seen an array of new LBP Suppliers on board. For C-Res and BHP, each new supplier is a tangible representation of our commitment to building the capacity and … Discover more >

WA: Events bring small businesses face to face with BHP Buyers.

At the heart of the Local Buying Program - in the Pilbara and Australia-wide - is the ability and commitment to bring together local businesses and BHP Buyers in a way that makes doing business simpler and creates real opportunity. In October, C … Discover more >