
Buyers (BHP / BMA)

BHP and BMA employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their BHP email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

BHP / BMA Employee Registration

Buyers (Tier A Contractors)

Tier A Contractor employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their Tier A Contractor email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

Tier A Contractor Employee Registration


News & Media Announcements

New South Wales Highlight Q3 FY22: Spend In Singleton, Why Leave Town Cards Prove Beneficial to COVID Response

April 12th, 2022

Local Buying Program Connection: For every transaction processed through the LBP, BHP make a contribution to the Local Buying Foundation. The Foundation supports programs and projects which build sustainable business communities for the future. This … Discover more >

Queensland Highlight Q3 FY22: Events Bootcamp Series Provides Small Business Digital Solutions

April 12th, 2022

Local Buying Program Connection: For every transaction processed through the LBP, BHP make a contribution to the Local Buying Foundation. The Foundation supports programs and projects which sustainable business communities for the future. This … Discover more >

Western Australia Highlight Q3 FY22: WAIO Engaging Pilbara Traditional Owner Suppliers

April 8th, 2022

BHP Mining Area C Processing team worked with C-Res and BHP Local and Indigenous Procurement Principal, Shelley Comtesse, to identify a collection of Indigenous Local Buying Program (LBP) approved suppliers to tender for a recent scope of works at … Discover more >

South Australia Highlight Q3 FY22: OD Focuses on Indigenous Business Connections

April 8th, 2022

The NPI and Engineering departments identified an opportunity to source a suitable supplier via the Local Buying Program (LBP) to perform the resurfacing works on Olympic Way.  The resurfacing was required to minimalise any disruption to supply of … Discover more >

Queensland Highlight Q3 FY22: Gaangalu Traditional Owner To Commence Blackwater Rehabilitation

April 8th, 2022

Over the years a number of test boreholes were created for Blackwater mine site.  Recently the Geoscience Team recommended a large number of the boreholes needed to be decommissioned. It was identified by BMA and BHP Indigenous Procurement Team … Discover more >

New South Wales Highlight Q3 FY22: MAC has past and present high on the agenda

March 1st, 2022

Congratulations Kale! Kale is off to a great start learning new skills with his employer Valley Excavations & Mining Services Pty Ltd, as part of BHP Mount Arthur Coal's restoration of the local historic homestead 'Balmoral'. The homestead is … Discover more >

National Highlight Q2 FY22: Exploration of new supply opportunities become reality with Tier A Contractors

January 11th, 2022

BHP Tier A Contractor engages Suppliers via LBP. In October 2021, BHP's Tier A Contractor, CQ Field Mining Services became the first of several authorised contractors, including C-Res, to have access to the Local Buying Program portal, giving … Discover more >

Western Australia Highlights Q2 FY22: Innovation at the centre of networking opportunities

January 11th, 2022

When C-Res and BHP worked in collaboration with Austmine to provide networking and informative events for local businesses in Port Hedland and Newman recently, attendees came away with a wealth of information on upcoming opportunities and local … Discover more >

South Australia Highlights Q2 FY22: C-Res and BHP identifying opportunities and harnessing local skill base

January 11th, 2022

LBP Highlights from the end of 2021 included some important progress with Traditional Owner and Indigenous procurement in and around Olympic Dam. A significant Traditional Owner and Indigenous Business project was identified for transportation … Discover more >

New South Wales Highlights Q2 FY22: COVID recovery includes spreading some seasonal cheer!

January 11th, 2022

As New South Wales emerged from lock downs and a long period of interruption to business, the Local Buying Program (LBP) was on hand to assist local communities with recovery efforts. Management of Mt Arthur Coal gifted over 1,000 BHP employees a … Discover more >