Local Buying Program in South Australia
Highlights for South Australia, 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019:
- $393,607.77 – Approved spend to local suppliers
- 50 – Approved work opportunities created by BHP employees
- 87 – Businesses approved to supply via the LBP
- 9.7 – Days average payment period from receipt of invoice
For a comprehensive overview of results for the last quarter, please see the Local Buying Program’s South Australia Financial Year To Date Summary.
For more information on the Local Buying Program in South Australia please contact your local C-Res Business Development Advisor, Jessica Cardno, via email jessica.cardno@c-res.com.au or visit our website.
Newly re-opened hub a centrepiece for community
In conjunction with BHP and partners, Time for Wellbeing and Healthy Environs, the Roxby Downs Community Hub has been refurbished – and it is an amazing space!
Community members can now use this space to meet with each other, have a coffee and receive support in health matters. It is a perfect space for new members, parents and kids from across the Roxby Downs Community and its amazing facilities are all in support of the community and the people, groups and businesses therein.
The Hub was officially opened by Laura Tyler, BHP OD Asset President and the event was attended by members of the community, BHP, Council, local business owners and stakeholders.
The Hub, as the name suggests, is a meeting place which acts as an information and drop-in centre where people can talk to local program coordinators, get advice and direction on where to go for support services.
Information about how to stage activities, or start health or wellbeing groups, can also be sourced via the new initiative. The Community Hub was refurbished by Local Buying Program Supplier, Jacinta Carr Design & Lifestyle, and local business, MPS.

COMMUNITY HUB: This important facility will be a boost the the community of Roxby Downs.
Conference a boon for program stakeholders who converged on Port Pirie
C-Res and BHP were proud to have participated in this year’s 15th GMUSG Conference in Port Pirie.
Last year the sold-out event attracted a record number of attendees and participants and this year was another massive event – with 451 attendees at the conference.
C-Res & BHP were well-represented at the event with a booth attended by Belinda Hamilton (BHP), Matt Whittaker (BHP), John Aurisch (C-Res), Tracey Cuttriss-Smith (C-Res) and Lauren Crighton (C-Res). Nathan Flaman, BHP Head of Supply, presented at the event and Emily Faure, BHP Corporate Affairs, and Paula Merino, BHP Supply Business Partner, also attended.
As always, the Conference was an opportunity to network, gain an understanding of new innovations in the region and further afield, and see, first-hand, the capabilities of local businesses in the Upper Spencer Gulf region.
Both BHP and the LBP were privileged to meet many members of the Upper Spencer Gulf business community and thoroughly enjoyed the networking whilst learning more about projects and what is happening throughout our State.

BOON: Networking and shared expereince was at the forefront of the GMUSG Conference at Port Pirie.
Networking over breakfast helps break down mental health stigma
The Roxby Downs Business Forum hosted its annual business networking breakfast focusing on mental health in the workplace in anticipation of ‘R U OK’ day.
The event was attended by Business Forum members, local businesses, community members and local council representatives. Held at Roxbylink, the breakfast offered creche facilities for busy working parents eager to learn more about the facilities and services available in their community.
Guest speakers, Lena Barrett from Lena Joy Barrett Counselling, and Sally Modystach from Healthy Environs presented to the well-attended event. Sally and Lena shared their personal experiences in dealing with mental health in the workplace and provided practical advice on how to deal with mental health issues.
The breakfast was well received as well as the topics discussed by Sally and Lena around mental health in the workplace and what individuals can do to improve their own mental health and help others as well.

R U OK: Business forum helps break down stigma around mental health.
Team building event a coup for local buying program supplier
Arid Recovery, a Local Buying Program Supplier, recently hosted team building events for the Process End Safety team. Arid Recovery is a not-for-profit conservation organisation managing a 123 sqkm predator-proof fenced reserve north of Olympic Dam and protecting threatened species including bilbies and burrowing bettongs.
They provided an awesome experience for the teams in the bush with an open campfire, which allowed the teams to bond outside of the workplace environment. Some of the team members had the chance to set and collect animal traps, which allowed them to see more of the reserve and some of the activities undertaken by the Arid Recovery team.
The events were a huge success within the teams, as well as promoting interest within the community about the Arid Recovery and what it does.
This allowed BHP to give back to the community and the Arid Recovery team, while participating in something a bit different from the everyday. The Arid Recovery has been recommended to other teams as a great team bonding venue and can host many types of events tailored to your needs.

TEAM BUILDING: Arid Recovery takes BHP Olympic Dam teams on a team-building journey.
Upcoming events
♦ 11 November | Anh Do – The Happiest Refugee (Live) | PORT PIRIE
Anh Do’s bestselling book The Happiest Refugee has made readers laugh and cry, and was described by Russell Crowe as “the most surprising and inspiring read I have had in years.” Anh’s stage show takes it a step further, combining stand-up comedy with real life stories, photos and filmed pieces to retell his amazing story.
More Information
♦ 13 November | IP for digital business | ADELAIDE
The digital economy is awash with fast-paced innovation, and for tech start-ups there is constant pressure to keep up. With so many other competing business priorities, thinking about intellectual property (IP) for ICT products and services can sometimes seem like a waste of precious time and money. But finding ways to handle your IP right might be one of the best investments you can make in the long term, and there are many things to consider for tech start-ups as part of their IP management strategy. Find out how IP in computing technologies can be protected, as well as other IP management considerations relevant to every tech start-up.
Attend via online webinar.
♦ 21 November | Local Buying Program ‘Meet the Buyer’ and Business Development Sessions | OLYMPIC DAM
Save the date and learn how the LBP can help you strengthen the way you do business locally
Meet the Buyer and Business Development Sessions will be held at Roxby Downs, on site at Olympic Dam, on Thursday, November 21. Join the Local Buying Program’s C-Res and BHP teams to find out how you can better utilise the LBP to build your capacity and capabilities while strategically positioning yourself within the BHP supply chain.
Suppliers will have the chance to engage directly with key BHP buyers and supply personnel to demonstrate just what is on offer in the local community. You will also have the chance to find out why using the Local Buying Program is a direct investment back into the local community and is so closely aligned with creating social value in regional South Australia.
Not a registered LBP Buyer or Supplier? No worries! Contact C-Res Business Development Advisor Jess Cardno for assistance. Please email Jessica.Cardno@c-res.com.au
♦ 26 & 27 November | Understanding intellectual property (IP) 101 | ADELAIDE
We know that start-ups are busy and thinking about intellectual property (IP) management can often seem like a waste of precious time and money. However, finding ways to protect your ideas is one of the best investments you can make in the long run, even with financial and time pressures. In this short 45 minute webinar we will give you the tools you need to help you understand the basics of patents, trademarks and designs so you can understand how IP can apply to your business and what your next steps might be.
Attend via online webinar.
More Information
♦ 30 November | Roxby Downs Community Christmas Pageant | ROXBY DOWNS
One of the biggest events in Roxby. The community Christmas pageant is open to the whole community and sure to be an enjoyable evening with a parade of floats starting at 7pm followed by music, food stalls and fun for the whole family. Please remember this is a family event so drink sensibly and be considerate to others if you are smoking.
More Information
♦ 11 December | Understanding Trademarks | ADELAIDE
Almost every business has a trademark of some sort – in its words, logos or slogans, or a combination. This webinar explains the basics behind trademark protection and helps you understand how to register for trademark protection. Designed for people starting a business or developing a new product or service, this webinar will help you identify and understand the difference between a registered business name and a trademark.
Attend via online webinar.
More Information
See what is happening around Australia with LBP
Local Buying Program Highlights (July to Sept 2019) and Financial Year To Date Summaries:
- National Highlights
- Queensland Highlights
- New South Wales Highlights
- South Australia Highlights
- Western Australia Highlights