
Buyers (BHP / BMA)

BHP and BMA employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their BHP email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

BHP / BMA Employee Registration

Buyers (Tier A Contractors)

Tier A Contractor employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their Tier A Contractor email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

Tier A Contractor Employee Registration


News & Media Announcements

Queensland Highlights Q2 FY22: Networking events provide valuable insight into local procurement

January 11th, 2022

The final quarter of 2021 proved a busy time for C-Res in Queensland as we connected our small, local, Traditional Owner and Indigenous Businesses with Australia’s biggest business. Building these important connections is imperative to the success … Discover more >

Exciting new career opportunities with C-Res

January 5th, 2022

C-Res currently has a number of employment opportunities open to professionals with a strong focus on supporting local. About Us C-Res is a cost-neutral organisation dedicated to linking small, local and Indigenous businesses directly with BHP … Discover more >

Local Buying Program swoops to the rescue

November 30th, 2021

Magpies can be a problem when nesting in spring, swooping on passers-by and posing a very real threat to safety. A family of Magpies located at the BHP apprentice training centre (the Future Fit Academy at Paget, Mackay) were being protective … Discover more >

QLD: We are hiring Program Administrators

September 23rd, 2021

Program Administration, C-Res (Local Buying Program) About Us It’s not often a chance comes up to take on a role that will enable you to immerse yourself in a highly regarded national social enterprise that is committed to connecting one of … Discover more >

QLD: Local Buying Foundation sponsors MRCOC B2B Brews

September 16th, 2021

Thanks to Mackay Region Chamber of Commerce for providing us the opportunity to connect with chamber members to discuss BHP's Local Buying Program and Local Buying Foundation.  C-Res CEO, Tracey Cuttriss-Smith shared an update on what C-Res and BHP … Discover more >

QLD: Central Highlands celebrate business excellence in style

September 16th, 2021

The Central Highlands Business Excellence Awards Gala Dinner was hosted in Emerald on Saturday, 11 September, by the Central Highlands Development Corporation. Special mention to the CHDC for successfully hosting a thoroughly entertaining and … Discover more >

QLD: CHDC AgFrontier AgTech21 – Build It, Use It, Profit

September 10th, 2021

CHDC hosts AgFrontier AgTech21: Build it, Use it, Profit, a major biennial innovation and technology event for the Australian agricultural community. The event brings together the smartest minds at the intersection of agriculture, machinery and … Discover more >

NATIONAL: A message from the LBF Chairman | FY21 Year in Review

September 6th, 2021

Just like that another year has passed, and despite the challenges that were presented we have remained busy and I’m astonished by what was achieved. Whilst the regional communities within our footprint still experienced the ongoing effects of … Discover more >

NATIONAL: A message from the C-Res CEO | FY21 Year in Review

September 6th, 2021

2021 has certainly been a year of adaptability and opportunity. Drawing from the challenges of 2020, BHP and C-Res have continued to work together to achieve some fantastic outcomes for small local businesses and the communities in which we live and … Discover more >

NATIONAL: Financial Summaries released for BHP’s Local Buying Program & Local Buying Foundation (July 2020 to March 2021)

May 5th, 2021

BHP's Local Buying Program and Local Buying Foundations have been continuing to build the sustainability of business communities for the future. Recently released have been the quarterly summaries for each State and a National overview for … Discover more >