
Buyers (BHP / BMA)

BHP and BMA employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their BHP email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

BHP / BMA Employee Registration

Buyers (Tier A Contractors)

Tier A Contractor employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their Tier A Contractor email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

Tier A Contractor Employee Registration


The Local Buying Foundation provides funding for projects and programs which facilitate workforce development, innovation and the productive capacity of business and industry to grow the potential of their regional economies.

These Foundations are run by representatives of the communities of interest to ensure investments have the greatest possible impact.

The Local Buying Foundation website provides detailed information about each Foundation including funding rounds, funding opportunities and governance. 

Our regions

The Local Buying Foundation operates across four states; New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia. Each state has unique stories and stakeholders who support the delivery of the Local Buying Foundation and the programs and initiatives it supports.

Funding categories

The Foundation’s objectives and priority areas are reviewed regularly to ensure they remain relevant to the economic environment and aligned with changing business community needs. Click on each category to see our current funded projects

The current priority areas (or categories) of the Foundation are:


Funded project events

Local Buying Foundation funding enables regional businesses access to a broad range of business development opportunities – workshops, capacity building programs, Business Awards, Conferences, expos and more. You can find all our upcoming events here.

FY24 Annual Year in Review

This brief overview highlights our Local Buying Program and Local Buying Foundation achievements, setting the stage for an exciting FY25. Watch insights and milestones we’ve reached together with BHP to strengthen our regional business communities or read our interactive Annual Summary here.