When it comes to the benefits of the Local Buying Program, no one knows better, what makes it such a useful tool in local procurement, than our most regular buyers at BHP.
These are the champions of the LBP and they are instrumental in creating big opportunities for our smallest local businesses – across all of our operational footprints in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.
BHP Local Buying Specialist Michael Goldspink said the Buyer Champions were the most prolific users and greatest advocates of the LBP and, as such, they help build awareness and use of the program.
He said the role of the site advocate for the Local Buying Program is to provide guidance to existing and new Local Buying Program buyers across their site and ensure there is continuous improvement and growth in the Local Buying Program which delivers Social and Economic value to the regions BMA/BMC/BHP operate in.
The effectiveness of site champions can identify supply or service gaps which may present an opportunity for a Local business to fill and the Site Champions have direct access to Business Development Advisors for immediate response to challenges.
“We have reached out to those buyers at each of our Minerals Australia sites who have been long time and extensive users of the program and who can vouch for how important it is as a buying platform to engage local small businesses who might not otherwise get a look in with a company such as BHP,” Michael said.
“Not only do they understand the important social value attached to the program and that it supports our local small businesses and communities, but these buyers also know how much easier it makes engaging those businesses and, as such, tapping into the incredible skills, experience and innovation which they can offer locally.”