BMA’s Operations Team identified difficulties the service truck experienced accessing the dragline during inclement weather, resulting in downtime as refueling was not possible. To address this problem, the team proposed loading a small fuel pod into light vehicles, which can easily and safely maneuver into the area during wet weather.
Through BHP’s Local Buying Program, the necessary equipment was sourced to implement the solution and improve production outcomes. This simple change led to reduced downtime for the dragline dozer teams and continued production while enhancing efficiency. By leveraging the Request For Quote option in the portal, BMA made the work opportunity available to nine local suppliers to quote, leading to the final engagement and improved productivity levels. Furthermore, reduced vehicle interactions during wet weather operations improved safety on site.
“Once we identified a solution to the problem, we were able to use the Local Buying Program portal to send out a Request For Quote Work Instruction to a number of local businesses to supply a fuel pod. We were able to assess nine responses from local suppliers and chose a business that could supply the product on time and within budget.” Miles Kerr – Goonyella Riverside Mine.