Site required a quick and easy avenue to engage with a local club to provide catering at the mine workshop for a special event. The scope was to supply 450 egg and bacon rolls to staff and visitors between 5.45 am and 6.30 am. Site representative Cheryl Neely reached out to C-Res to work through a way to engage with Muswellbrook Rotary Club to provide the service via the Local Buying Program.
C-Res organised the onboarding, registration and approval process for Muswellbrook Rotary Club in quick time. The club then mobilised members and equipment, gained site access and set about cooking some 450 burgers. All parties were proactive in the approach to getting the job done.
Cheryl Neely (GM Executive Assistant BHP Mt Arthur Coal), Rod Scholes (President of the Muswellbrook Rotary Club), and John Aurisch (C-Res) worked together to ensure the engagement was as seamless as possible. The benefits included the utilisation of a local Not for Profit club, as well as involving other local businesses to supply BHP with the catering. The full spend was injected into the local business community.
Site is thinking outside the box to proactively support local, which provides a flow-on effect as the engagement then required further support from other local businesses to fulfill the catering requirements. BHP’s clear commitment to involve community groups and local businesses in supply opportunities, regarding current and future work opportunities, remains strong.