Local Buying Program Connection: For every transaction processed through the LBP, BHP make a contribution to the Local Buying Foundation. The Foundation supports programs and projects which build sustainable business communities for the future. This project fell into the category for Sponsorship of Business Awards and Events.
HYP (Hedland Young Professionals) are a great example of the dynamic that is the Pilbara; young, driven and innovative.
An initiative of the Port Hedland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hedland Young Professionals (HYP) was formed in 2021 with a vision to provide networking and professional development for young professionals under 40 living and working in Port Hedland.
The Local Buying Foundation WA is proud to be the 2022 sponsor for a series of HYP events including the recent Happy Hour Hustle Speed Networking Events, held in Feb and the rest of the impressive calendar planned for the remainder of this year with Networking / Business Panel Events, Training Workshops, and a Young Professionals Awards Dinner.
Young Professionals are the future of businesses in Port Hedland and HYP has been created to establish an environment of personal and professional development to retain these young people in the region. HYP aims develop work and life skills by growing confidence and building relationships outside of the workplace.
PHCCI Economic Development Officer, Tessa Hughes mentioned “Happy Hour Hustle – Speed Networking is a fun and interactive way to meet and connect with other young professionals in Port Hedland. This event supported by the LBF enables Hedland Young Professionals to grow their confidence by stepping outside of their comfort zone. So far, both events have been well received within the community with feedback asking for more of these networking nights.”