BHP Mining Area C Processing team worked with C-Res and BHP Local and Indigenous Procurement Principal, Shelley Comtesse, to identify a collection of Indigenous Local Buying Program (LBP) approved suppliers to tender for a recent scope of works at Mining Area C.
The works involved rehandle of approximately 45,000 tonnes of scats material – from a stockpile at E Deposit to the OHP stockyard. There are a number of experienced, competitive and capable LBP suppliers equipped to deliver services to remote sites such as Mining Area C. A selection of short listed suppliers were given the opportunity to attend site and asses work for pricing. C-Res assisted with communication between suppliers and the BHP team which lead to the successful awarding of works to local Traditional Owner and LBP supplier, Ngurrara.
“The LBP has enabled us to engage a Pilbara Aboriginal Traditional Owner vendor, Ngurrara for our project. The social value it has provided is invaluable, as it is helping to build a small business that would otherwise have no avenue to take part in an opportunity with BHP. It gives me a great sense of achievement to be able to give back to the community and to the custodians of the land on which we operate” said Shane Alford, Processing BHP Mining Area C.