It might have been one of the most uncertain and least predictable ends to a financial year in living memory, but the LBP remained a key contributor to the local economy in regional South Australia, with BHP Olympic Dam successfully engaging the local small business suppliers through the Local Buying Program for major construction services delivered on site.
Projects have included the Mine End carpark upgrade which began in October last year and took approximately 4 months to complete; and the Tailings Project Office Complex extension, which is being delivered in three stages, and was due for completion by July 2020.
For suppliers the payment terms and claims processes through the Local Buying Program provided a significant advantage and point of difference. The ability to part claim against a PO during the course of the project and knowing that C-Res could deliver 21-day payment terms has had a direct and positive impact on the cash flow and deliverables of businesses registered with the program.
LBP suppliers have had the chance to showcase and utilised their valuable experience, and understanding of site safety and procedures, at Olympic Dam, paving the way for more businesses to be engaged through the Local Buying Program in South Australia.