C-Res has commissioned consultancy firm SC Lennon & Associates to coordinate our Annual Perception Survey to seek feedback from our buyers, suppliers and community stakeholders around the Local Buying Program (LBP) and Local Buying Foundation (LBF) in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.
In short, we want to know what you think – and it is intended that the survey will be conducted annually to inform ongoing evaluation and assessment.
C-Res CEO, Tracey Cuttriss-Smith, said in undertaking the survey, C-Res also understood 2020 had already been a busy – and somewhat tricky – year; and COVID-19 had presented many challenges for local businesses and communities the LBP represented.
“We know it is an uncertain time for many,” Ms Cuttriss-Smith said.
“But it is when times are toughest that the people we support and work with need us the most.
“We want to know how our suppliers, buyers and stakeholders feel about the service we deliver; and – even more importantly – what we can do ti improve.”
Ms Cuttriss-Smith said this survey was a way for stakeholders to directly comment on how to best support them.
“We want to know – through the LBP – what is needed from us, as we move ahead to the recovery period and look to the future.”
The overall Annual Perception Survey project is made up of 12 separate surveys – for buyers, suppliers and stakeholders in each state where the LBP is delivered.
The survey was launched on June 26 and will close in mid-July. Results will be collated and analysed by SC Lennon and Associates with results expected to be released in late July.
Links to all surveys – for buyers, suppliers and stakeholders throughout NSW, QLD, SA and WA are available here.