Delivered through the LBP platform, AXIONiQ delivered facilitated a training course on Excel and Microsoft Project for members of the Shutdown Coordinators team. The OD team members that attended rated the training outcomes as excellent and in general meeting their expectations of learning outcomes across the board.
AXIONiQ worked with team to make sure this training fitted around their schedules and to ensure the program was tailored for them and their specific team requirements.
Other managers within BHP have now requested training for other departments in other subject areas – a great outcome for ASIONiQ! AXIONiQ is working collaboratively with BHP on developing these tailored training packages and is looking forward to delivering these sessions through the Local Buying Program.
“We have been thoroughly impressed and delighted since we commenced working with LBP and C-Res. We love the Daily Summary/Dashboard and the prompt payment terms are so very much appreciated as a small business!” Lisa Hewerdine, Director said.