
Buyers (BHP / BMA)

BHP and BMA employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their BHP email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

BHP / BMA Employee Registration

Buyers (Tier A Contractors)

Tier A Contractor employees can register at any time to use the Local Buying Program for their procurement needs. Buyers will be required to validate their registrations via their Tier A Contractor email. Once registered, buyers can source goods and services from Local Buying Program suppliers by raising Work Instructions.

Tier A Contractor Employee Registration


NAIDOC Celebration Event

Internal DBCA Parks and Wildlife NAIDOC celebration at the Kalgoorlie Office. There will be a welcome to country from a local elder, a mural painted on the day, There will be chats with local elders about what it is to be an elder. Also damper for morning tea, tastings of roo tail, stew and roo kebabs as well as making jewelry from local materials amongs other things to celebrate NAIDOC.